This is my life as it comes hurdling by....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Starting Over in 2009

I have been part-time and out of school for a month now and I love it! I have been able to catch up on so many things and of course spend more time with Caiden. We have had Tuesdays and Thursdays to stay home together and play play play. Next week I will start school again but I will be doing something I haven't done in 14 years- NOT WORK! Don't get me wrong, Student Teachers work their BUTTS off but they don't get paid to do it. This will be a new concept for me because I have worked since I was 15. My first job was at Little Caesar's Pizza in Jefferson City and I was too young to do anything other than answer phones and clean dishes- yuck! Since then I have done everything; food service, bars, clothing, design and of course working with kids. I can't wait to get back in the classroom and learn learn learn. It has been a long journey but I am almost at the end of the road. In May I will "graduate" with my certification and be eligible to teach Art K-12. Once I get a job I will be able to enroll in my final graduate class to end my schooling and recieve my MAT. So, wish me luck as I start my final year at UCM!

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