This is my life as it comes hurdling by....

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

10 Things I Am Working On

1. Spending quality time with my kids (hence the disappearance from the Internet lately). I read the other day that in today's society people are raising their kids in their spare time. That hit home because I realized that is us! I have made it a point to come home, eat dinner at the table, play outside or inside together and NOT TURN THE TV ON! That is a big one.....

2. Updating my house. We have been here over five years now and will be here at least another three. I have already redone my bathroom and Master Bedroom and they look awesome! Next is the Living Room. No real big changes but enough to make it feel like new.

3. Getting my school's artsonia page up and running. I am the first teacher in the entire district to attempt this crazy endeavor. So far so good. I presented at my Mentor Meeting and have been invited to present at the Elementary Art Meeting in a few weeks. Hopefully I can get all 9 other elementary schools up and running this year. It takes A LOT OF WORK!

4. Taking more pictures. I got out of the habit since my computer has been super slow and I need to get back at it.

5. Feeding myself and my son healthier meals. I have been drinking slim fast shakes the last month of so so I have relied on lunchables and frozen veggies for his dinner. I am a sucker for cute little snack foods too so I need to buy him less of those so he will eat REAL food more.

6. Saving money. This goes back to the whole moving thing. You gotta have money before you can buy a house!

7. Blogging more. Even if it is a short blog, I need to make time to post it. I usually don't want to mess with the computer because when I sit down to use it I end up spending the first 15 minutes waiting for it to load up.

8. Getting to work earlier. This year is completely different at my school. There are changes district wide that are affecting EVERYONE. My schedule is less than desirable and I have been asked to do things outside my certification. They are things that I CAN do but was not trained to do so it is going to take awhile to get good at them.

9. Growing my hair out. This one really is pretty easy and by far the easiest on my list but definitely mentionable. I haven't had my hair long in YEARS so it is something to get used to. I like it though....and so does Lincoln since he pulls it every chance he gets.

10. Going to church and volunteering. It is hard with two kids to find the time but really, it is possible. I just need to make it a priority. We have gone the last two weeks but I haven't volunteered since July to help with anything.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Awesome goals! I should do the same...