This is my life as it comes hurdling by....

Monday, November 30, 2009

Have I ever told you....

I love my job?

With everything going on in my life right now I have found myself crying more than usual. The surprising thing about this is it's not the typical I'm-mad-and-I-don't-know-what-to-say-or-do-yet-so-all-I-can-do-is-cry. Instead I have found myself tearing up over the amazing amount of support that revolves around us. We have been reminded over and over that people are here for us and willing to help in any way they can.

I think the most surprising amount of support I have gotten has been from fellow teachers at my school. Even though they've only known me for a few short months, many have taken time out of their day to call, email, text or facebook me and let me know they can help. Just today I got 2 phone calls and 4 emails from teachers all asking what they can do for me.

I knew before I even took this job that this was where I wanted to be. I could tell just by walking into the building that is was a good fit for me. Everyone supports everyone and we work as a team. Wow, what a concept huh? Sure not everybody gets along but really, you would never know it. There is no real drama with the staff, only camaraderie.

I am so happy and blessed to be a part of this team. I was kinda bummed that I didn't get to say goodbye to my kiddos but they are in good hands. I was able to get the "old" art teacher to come in for me while I am gone. She left this job two years ago to become a faux finisher and subs in the district on her days off. How lucky am I? Someone who knows my school, knows he teachers, knows many of my kids and can teach art better than me! Having her there to take care of things has really put my mind at ease. It is hard to plan long term when you have never done something like this before.

I will let everyone know what happens tomorrow. I still believe in the power of positive thinking and I am ready to get more answers. Keep us in your prayers!

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